My poor little angel is sick right now. He has been dealing with that crappy lingering cold for weeks now - I know because I’ve been dealing with the same one. Well, he’s been coughing for the past few days and throwing up (on me) for te past two days. I took him to the doctor today and she told me to try holding off on the food and switch to Pedialyte (unless he really has an appetite), and if he isn’t any better by Thursday, she’ll call in an antibiotic for him.
Poor little guy has had a low grade fever all day. You’d never know it though, he is so sweet and good about it all. I learned that he wants nothing to do with the unflavored pedialyte, but loves the grape flavored one. I have also learned that mixing the unflavored with the grape will allow the grape flavor to last twice as long. I’ve also learned that sleep for me isn’t nearly as important as making sure that his fever doesn’t spike in the middle of the night. Translation: I gave him Tylenol at 9:45pm. I can’t give it to him again until 1:45am. I will be awakww at 1:45am to see if he needs it then or not. There are plenty of things that I can do to fill my time while I’m not sleeping, so it shouldn’t be hard to wait it out.
Such is the life of a mommy.
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